How do I get my ex girlfriend back

If you are sat thinking "How do I get my ex girlfriend back", then chances are the breakup wasn't so serious that there's no chance of a patch up. You need to hope she is having similar feelings. If you caused her any heartache during the break up that you need to say sorry for, now is the time to get on and do that. If you are sorry, and you tell her that, it's a great first step to getting the relationship back on track.

How do I get my ex girlfriend back by showing my sensitive side?

Getting back with her isn't guaranteed but you stand a much better chance if you do things right and show a bit of sensitivity. Show her how sorry you are, and that you miss her so much. Pay attention here to her reactions. If your show of sensitivity and sorrow make her blood boil, change your tactics a bit until you find something she does respond to.

If gifts of flowers don't do it for her, maybe it's because it's so easy, and looks lazy, to pick up the phone and order a bunch of flowers to be delivered. There's no personal attachment here. Put yourself in her shoes and work out what you think would please her. Pick out some flowers and put them together yourself, then take them yourself. Same gift, but a much better method of delivery.

Women often accuse us of not being thoughtful enough. Was this you during the relationship? You may now be wondering "How do I get my ex girlfriend back" by being thoughtful? It's not a definite but it goes a long way to reaching the goal of getting her back. Every little good thing you can do adds up, making it harder and harder for her to stay away from you. You might not see instant results though, be patient.

If you weren't big on thoughtfulness during your relationship, or you were thoughtful early on but let it slide, she may be a bit sceptical of the things you do now. Keep at it though, patience is a virtue. Don't get frustrated though. Do these things because it makes you feel better to see her happy, not because it's a series of steps to getting her back. If you are truly happy to see her happy she will see this in your manner and it can only help your cause.

How do I get my ex girlfriend back by dating other women?

This is a sticky one, and can easily backfire. If it's been a while since you split, but you are still working on being thoughtful then the odd "no strings" date may well make her feel like she was your date.

How do I get my ex girlfriend back if she has a new boyfriend?

It's not impossible but you need to show her she will be better off with you than the new guy. Thoughtfulness from you will go a long way toward her realising she is better off with you. If it seems a bit hopeless, don't cave in at this point.

If you think it's looking like she really has moved on, write her a card and send it wishing her a great week. But don't come across as though you expect something. Thoughtfulness like this can really impress her.

Good luck getting her back my friend, but the tips above are just one weapon in your armoury. It's important to have a step by step plan of action. Most important is you need to take action, no action = no results!

picked from

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Background di Pendrive

Secuil Langkah Mudah

1. Siapkan flashdisk yang akn di dekor
2. FIle *.jpg (file gambar yang akan dijadikan background).
3. Masukkan script dibawah ini (di notepad aja)


IconArea_Image=filegambar (.jpg,.bmp)

4 .Selesai ketik scriptnya simpan dengan nama desktop.ini

5.Simpanlah ,file desktop.ini bersamaan dengan file gambar yang dijadikan background.

ok. buka explorer and lihat pendrive kamu, treng ...treng ...

lebih berwarna kan ! :D

Good Luck

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Hari dekdekan banget,cause besok ujikom . semalaman gw belajar mulai dari pagi ampe jam 4 subuh.
untungnya yang jadi juri ujikom bukan orang yang jauh tapi mantan bos gw sewaktu magang dulu.
Jadi ya gak gerogi amat sech,yang jadi masalah besar nanti mungkin di bagian trouble-nya,huhhhh klo dah trouble pusingcampur bete.

mudah-mudahan besok gw berhasil. hmmm..... AMIN

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Kayakna udah lama g nulis di blog lagi,
nie kesempatan gw pun hanya dalam rangka curhatan aja !
gene ceritenya : teng....teng......

Kan sekolahan entar lagi ada UJI KOMPETENSI,buset mampus gw ! ujian kompetensi kan sama dengan sidang yang kaya di kuliahan klo dah mo sriptsi !
iya benar...uji kompetensi merupakan ujian akhir bagi siswa yang masuk skolah kejuruan,kaya SMK lah ....
Kemarin soal ujian kompetensi udah keluar kisi-kisi na , but yang jadi masalah,kisi-kisi tersebut bukanlah pelajaran yang kami dapatkan disekolah ! al-asil banyak kawan-kawan yang linlung ,karena ketakutan dengan kisi2 itu.

jadi ceritanya aku coba2 jadi superhero yang menolong teman2 untuk dapat menghadapi ujian dengan hati yang tenang lagi PD,
Untuk uji kompetensi ada dua pilihan :
1. PC router menggunkan OS opensource
2.Administrasi Jaringan OS opensource dan OS commercil

Yang jadi masalah bukanlah tipe dari soalna,tetapi soal itu mengunakan OS yang di haruskan,yach terpaksa aku lakukan ,apa bleh buat...jadinya aku coba2 tutorin akwan 2 ,dan ternyata kawan2 banya yang antusias . AMIN.

siapa saja mohon doa dan restu agar kami semua dapa lulus dengan nilai yang yahuuuddddddddddd......


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Malam-malam kewarnet,ngapain !??
biasa! klo g nyari modul, ya cuman sekedar jahilin orang diwarnet,
tapi ga jahatkan ,kata sapa ?
Bulan-bulan nech aku mo coba belajar linux setekun mungkin,karena aku punya cita-cita klo dagh mahir nanti, mo dipakai ilmunya untuk presentasi Uji kompetensi,cuma itu aja.

Salam damai dari sang Pemimpi
God bless U

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Salam damai

Untuk semua umat yang masih mengenal ataupun tidak lagi mengenal apa,siapa,dimana saat itu !huh..betapa sombongnya kita ini dengan semua perlakuan yang lagi ada yang dapat dibanggakan,jika memang mereka bisa lagi berkata-kata,mungkin kau akan gentar melihatnya dan akan terpaku oleh semangat untuk hidupnya itu.
masihkah kau tak mengerti!Mereka tak lagi memintamu untuk mengangkat senapanmu dan tak lagi memintamu untuk menyayat yang lain ! masih tak mengertikah Kau !Mereka juga tidak pernah berkata "untuk apa aku melakukan semua ini".Jadi tancapkanlah semangatmu itu untuk hal yang baik dan membanggakan.
for HUT RI

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Apa sebenarnya perbedaan aku dengan kawan yang lain?
Jadi bingung,dari berbagai segi aku bukanlah yang ahlinya dan bukan orang terlalu faham akan kehidupan manusia.Tetapi jika aku sudah bertemu teman baru

dan berkenalan sepertinya teman baruku itu(red) jadi Enjoy amat ma aku,and semuanya berbaik hati,walaupun g semuanya teman baruku seperti itu,karena kan gak semua orang yang langsung percaya kalau aku bersahabat dengan tulus dan senang hati.hehe...!
yang penting dia gak ngerugiin aku sendiri !
okay lah ..yachh..udah.. gak usah dibaca dengan serius postinganaku yang ginie !
klo mo nguduh menu yang sudah aku sediain,ya silahkan,!
happy surfing aja,

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